今集著名花藝師Dr. Solomon Leong,為大家親身示範插花技巧,看他如何運用獨有的美學觸覺,以及對花藝的passion投入作品之中,還分享他成為專業花藝師的心路歷程! Ep.2 Be A Professional Florist| ELLE Academy 你也有興趣成為花藝師?這熱門行業近年成為不少人的轉型出路,我們邀請獲獎無數的著名花藝師Dr. Solomon Leong,分享他的花藝創作技巧、介紹喜愛的花材種類等,ELLE 一連兩集教你專業花藝設計入門!
你也有興趣成為花藝師?這熱門行業近年成為不少人的轉型出路,我們邀請獲獎無數的著名花藝師Dr. Solomon Leong,分享他的花藝創作技巧、介紹喜愛的花材種類等,一連兩集教你專業花藝設計入門!
TVB App節目「門路」猛人訪問 - 花藝設計師
TVB App 節目「門路」的猛人訪問,講述梁靈剛博士
(Dr. Solomon)創業之路 回想起來開始的時候對做生意真的毫無概念。一步一步的走到今日。唔容易呀!
身邊很多人將自己興趣變成職業的時候,就很快失去對興趣本身的熱誠。但直到今天為止,我還是對花藝充滿着熱愛, 其實這也是一種福氣
流行都市 2020.02.13 - 情人節必學花語
TVB “生活一百錯”分享春節插花小訣竅
插年花仲有乜嘢要注意? TVB 「生活一百錯❌」年花疑團同您一一拆解!
TVB CNY & Valentine’s Day of ‘Pleasure & leisure’
When the TV crew arrive, we knew we are in for some serious floral fun! This Chinese New Year “都市閒情” will show you how to combine Valentine’s day and Chinese New Year flowers!
TVB Pleasure and leisure programme Christmas special episode
It's the most wonderful time of the year! Dr. Solomon is showing us how to create a wonderful and easy centrepiece for christmas, alongside many decorating ideas!
TVB Christmas special episode of 'Dolce Vita'
In this Christmas special episode of 'Dolce Vita' Dr. Solomon will be showing you how to create a fragrant Xmas wreath with dried oranges and cinnamon. Complete with tips and ideas on how to create a simple centrepiece, this is a clip that you should not miss!
For centuries Leeds Castle has been one of UK's most iconic places.
From 23-28 September 2017, the Maidstone attraction will be welcoming horticultural lovers to its annual Festival of Flowers.
Together with 21 top Florists from all over the world, Dr. Solomon has been invited to showcase their finest displays in, around, and on the castle walls.
Titled the 'enchanted gallery' Dr. Solomon has made use of David Austin roses, local hops and a whole range of exquisite flowers.
Together with porcelain from Wedgwood and cake design by Zi Chik. The installation is in itself an enchanted floral journey.
TVB programme 'Dolce Vita' interview at our studio talking about new style Mother's Day flowers!
What can you give other than carnations ?
Watch TVB programme 'Dolce Vita' interview with
送花可表達對母親的謝意,不妨隨花藝大師梁靈剛博士以康乃馨、牧丹、玫瑰等,學習設計花束、花盒的竅門, 讓各位在母親節與家人盡興。
Programme aired on
May 11 (Thu) 9:00 pm TVB Pearl
May 13 (Sat) 7:30 pm J5
TVB Pleasure and leisure programme Chinese New Year
How to turn traditional arrangements into stylish contemporary floral design? Dr.Solomon shows you how!
Airing on 26th Jan
春節快到了,Dr. Solomon為TVB《都市閒情》錄影,示範利用多款新品種的鮮花,創作既充滿節慶氣息,又適合家居佈置的優雅春節花藝。節目將於本週四(1月26號)13:25《都市閒情》時段內播出,也會上傳到http://mytv.tvb.com/ 。想知道怎麼創作精巧雅致,時尚大方的春節花藝?記得收看明天的TVB《都市閒情》啦!
TVB pleasure and leisure programme
Christmas is coming! In tomorrow's 'pleasure and leisure' programme on TVB, Dr.Solomon is going to show us how to create a desktop Christmas tree with real noble conifer in just 3 minutes! Now there is no excuse for even the Busiest people not to decorate for this festive season !
Time: 21dec2016 from 1:15 pm
聖誕節快到,Dr. Solomon將於本週三再次亮相TVB《都市閒情》,示範多款創新又別緻的聖誕節花藝裝飾。節目將於本週三(12月21號)13:25《都市閒情》時段內播出,也會上傳到http://mytv.tvb.com/ 。還在為慶祝聖誕節佈置家居,準備聖誕花禮的大家要留意啦!
Dr Solomon becomes a special guest in TVB " Today's VIP " Part 1
將興趣發展為事業,相信是不少「打工仔」的夢想。世界級花藝設計師梁靈剛(Solomon)從小對植物產生濃厚興趣,嘗試透過「解剖」了解花朵的構造。大學時期,Solomon也因喜好而選修園藝課程,及後決定往花藝的方向發展。且聽他分享踏上成功路的歷程,以及追求花藝的樂趣。 當初專注發展花藝,Solomon先是研習日式插花,繼而轉修西式插花,究竟兩種花藝有何分別?他現時亦是一位插花導師,並以學英語來比喻學習插花,二者有甚麼共通點?
Dr Solomon becomes a special guest in TVB " Today's VIP " Part 2
Solomon有一套簡易口訣可幫助初學者快速「入門」,且聽他詳述口訣要領。 一個在倫敦舉行的花卉大會,是世界花藝界的年度焦點賽事,Solomon是唯一能夠連續九年獲獎的華人,可謂蜚聲國際。他憶述其中一屆賽事以煙花為主題的創作過程。大部份設計師均會先繪畫草圖再動手製作,Solomon思考花卉設計時,又可會以繪圖輔助?
TVB 'Pleasure and Leisure'
Mother's day special
一年一度的母親節臨近,全家出外吃飯是不少家庭的指定慶祝活動,但除此次外,動手製作小禮物,既經濟又顯心思,也是不俗的選擇。香港花藝協會Dr. SOLOMON 介紹幾款簡單又容易購置的材料,示範製作精緻小花束,又會提供花朵顏色配搭「小貼士」,給予媽媽一份獨一無二的驚喜。
TVB Pleasure and Leisure mid Autumn fest movie
TVB 'Pleasure and Leisure' Programme CNY festive floral design...
Dr. Solomon Shares tips on how to decorate your home with flowers for CNY!
Pleasure and Leisure Xmas Show 2015
Thinking about decorating your home this Christmas? Whether it's a simple flowers in vase arrangement or an elaborate topiary tree, we got it covered in this episode of TVB 'pleasure and leisure'. Watch now and look out for our simple DIY coffee beans inspired centrepiece!
Mother's day special for TVB jade
Dr. Solomon's guest appearance at lifestyle programme 'pleasure and leisure' from TVB Jade demonstrating simple and gorgeous flowers you can create for your mom this mother's day!
Dr Solomon becomes a special guest in the lifestyle programme
Hosted by Sharon Yung and guest host Suki Chui for mobile infoTV Channel S.
This time he demonstrate floral accessories with your favourite flowers!
Floral tips on Valentine's day flowers. TVB Dolce Vita
Thinking about Valentine's day flowers? Help is at hand! Dr. Solomon is with Dolce Vita host Desmond So giving everyone useful tips and choices on this very special day!
Dr. Solomon Leong interviewed by Irish TV programme Nationwide
About his honorary installation at the world flower arranging show by WAFA in Dublin. 31 countries and 600 exhibits are present at this show.
Dr Solomon’s Award Winning Work in BBC Chelsea Special
See the Chelsea Flower Show special coverage on BBC with a brief commentary on Dr Solomon’s award winning work!
NOW TV 'Lifetival' Chinese New Year Special
Dr. Solomon Leong on Chinese New Year flowers
NOW TV 'Lifetival' Chinese New Year Special
Dr Solomon talked about how to give a modern twist to traditional Chinese New Year floral decorations, and created a centerpiece for the festive time!
Me magazine CNY 2014
Creating CNY arrangement using simple containers and flowers to give your home a cozy feeling
Dr. Solomon's TV appearance at Leisure and Pleasure programme
Today talking about how to arrange flowers for Chinese new year. Just click to watch the clip!
Dr. Solomon广州台《S计划》之插花加减法
最新一集广州台《S计划》之插花加减法来了!大葵扇也有它的春天,年后的五代同堂原来可以妙用,还有花盆底碟也可以活色生香。。。看看Dr. Solomon怎么利用生活用品加上少量的花材做到烟火璀璨,还有三八妇女节特别呈献 - 红粉俏佳人!