Dr. Solomon won another gold at Chelsea flower show London 2019
Another year at Chelsea Flower Show, Dr. Solomon Leong has won a Gold medal for his design at the Floral Design studio. The theme for the class was called ‘avant garde’ and the piece was titled ‘neon eclipse’.
Using an unusual patterns and palette of colours, Solomon picked out ‘polka dots’ begonia, serenity phalaenopsis, and no.1 white vanda alongside a variety of air plants and cacti to achieve an effect of imaginary planets eclipse.
A daring artistic leap forward, but we are so pleased with the result!
Congratulations Dr. Leong for another glorious year at the world’s most famous flower show!
This will be Dr. Solomon's consecutive 8th gold medal for the prestigious world class flower show! Many congratulations!
Royal Horticultural Society Chelsea Flower Show London
2005 Silver Gilt Medal Award
2006 Gold Medal Award
2006 Best Flower Arrangement award
2007 Silver Gilt Medal Award
2008 Gold Medal Award
2008 Best Flower Arrangement award
2010 Silver Gilt Medal Award
2011 Gold Medal Award
2012 Silver Gilt Medal Award
2013 Silver Medal Award
2014 Gold Medal Award
2014 Best Flower Arrangement award
2015 Gold Medal Award
2016 Gold Medal Award
2017 Gold Medal Award
2018 Silver Gilt Medal Award
喜訊!在一年一度的全球花藝盛事 —— 英國皇家園藝協會切爾西花展(RHS Chelsea Flower Show)花藝比賽中,Dr. Solomon以主題作品“霓虹日食”,榮獲金獎殊榮!
由於Dr. Solomon的作品被安排放置在一個逆光的位置,很難拍照,所以他決定用視頻跟大家分享他的創作成果! (請滑動到文章下部觀看視頻)
Dr. Solomon選用了不同尋常的圖案和顏色去搭配創作,包括帶有圓點斑紋的秋海棠葉、純白的蝴蝶蘭及萬代蘭,還有一些空氣鳳梨和仙人掌,在比賽指定的灰色支架及1.75米的高度範圍內,呈現出虛幻的日蝕效果,巧妙地以“霓虹日食”詮釋了比賽的主題—— “前衛”。
在這次比賽當中,Dr. Solomon隨心而冒險地進行了一次在花藝設計上的大膽飛躍,他自己對於這樣的結果非常滿意,也感謝大家的欣賞,這對他來說意義非凡!
這已經是Dr. Solomon第14次於切爾西花展花藝比賽中獲獎!過往的獲獎經歷包括:
2018 鍍金白銀獎
2017 金獎
2016 金獎
2015 金獎
2014 金獎及最佳花藝裝置設計獎
2013 銀獎
2012 鍍金白銀獎
2011 金獎
2010 鍍金白銀獎
2008 金獎及最佳花藝裝置設計獎
2007 鍍金白銀獎
2006 金獎及最佳花藝裝置設計獎
2005 鍍金白銀獎
熱烈祝賀Dr. Solomon!