Flower and Cultural Experience Japan Tour 2017
What a trip! Our floral Study tour to Japan this year has come to a close.
3 demos and 6 workshops all in 2 days! Certainly intense and immersive!
Designs were made, experience shared, techniques taught, possibilities explored, friends were made, mission accomplished!
港日花藝大師 - 梁靈剛博士Dr. Solomon Leong與井上博登Hiroto Inoue聯合舉辦的"日本花藝及文化體驗之旅"已經圓滿結束啦。短暫而精彩的旅程包括了6個花藝工作坊、3個花藝示範、觀光及文化體驗活動,為學員帶來了一次難忘的花藝體驗與啟發。
Dr. Solomon非常感謝井上大師、組織方的Brian和Yuki、助理Ada、Alison以及攝影師Robin的幫助!也感謝Guerlain嬌蘭贊助旅行護膚套裝,讓大家在緊湊的行程中,肌膚仍然保持最佳狀態。
第一天:專為SOLOMON BLOEMEN花藝學員量身定制的小班花藝工作坊及花藝示範,井上大師教導學員利用傳統日本素材,包括経木、竹皮及紙捻等進行花藝創作。
Four sessions of fantastic workshops in two days specially designed and arranged for SOLOMON BLOEMEN’s students
Learn directly from Japanese leading Master Florist Mr. Hiroto Inoue (井上 博登) about techniques in using various traditional Japanese materials such as 経木, 竹皮 and 井草の縄 (rush rope) in floral designs. Create your very own artpieces under the guidance of master florist.
這是專為SOLOMON BLOEMEN 花藝學員量身定制,小班制的2天共4節花藝工作坊,學員將學習到利用傳統日本素材,包括経木、竹皮及井草の縄創作的技巧,並在井上大師的指導下,完成自己的花藝作品。
About Hiroto Inoue, 井上大師獲獎經歷包括:
NFD Grand Prix Gold Flower Award (2000, 2008, 2011)
NFD Japan Flower Design Award Arrangement 1st prize (2004, 2011), 2nd prize (2006, 2009), Strauss 2nd prize (2001)
Japan Florist of the Year 3rd prize (2008, 2009), Wedding Display 1st prize (2008)
NFD Grand Prize and Prime Minister’s Award (2011)
WAFA Runner-up Award, “For the Memorial Day” 1st prize (2005)
Flowership National Convention Grand Prix Winner (2006)
Japan International Flower Show Silver Award (2015)
The Fusion Flowers International Designer of the Year 2016 Winner & Platinum Award (2016)
Flower Japan Cup 2017 Gold Award (2017)
第二天:除了井上大師的課堂以外,還有Dr. Solomon以“浪漫的花藝設計”為主題的教學及示範,讓學員認識多種既精緻優雅又充滿浪漫氣息的花藝設計以及相關製作技巧,為學員呈現Dr. Solomon獨特的花藝魔法。
第三天:前往位于佐贺的古老小镇唐津城,漫步于古老的街道,欣赏日本特色小院落;参观建于唐津湾畔,带有禅境花园和能剧舞台,建筑设计别具匠心的明治时代奢华府邸 - 旧高取邸;前往呼子港,乘坐观光游船;入住带有天然温泉的酒店,品尝地道晚餐。