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In just over a months time, I will be representing Hong Kong to compete in the prestigious FTD Floral World Cup In Philadelphia, USA.

With the support from Brand Hong Kong, our team will have uniforms donning logos of Hong Kong, showcasing Hong Kong as “Asia's world city”.

Bringing with me the “flying dragon” and “can-do” spirit from my home city, my design takes inspiration from the sheer energy and density of Hong Kong.

I really hope to share with you my love for flowers and the passion for a city I grew up in. Friendship through flowers, let’s get connected !

Do share and love to show your love of Hong Kong.

還有一個多月的時間,我就會代表香港,前往美國費城,出賽全球花藝界最頂尖的賽事——“FTD World Cup花藝世界杯”了!

很榮幸得到“Brand Hong Kong香港品牌”的支持,我們團隊將會穿上帶有香港飛龍標誌以及“亞洲國際都會”口號的製服,在國際大師雲集的花藝世界杯現場,宣揚香港勇往直前、積極進取的精神。



Dr. SOLOMON demonstration at Hong Kong Flower 2018

Floral demonstration and Floral Catwalk

Dr. SOLOMON demonstration at Hong Kong Flower 2017

What a lovely day at the Hong Kong Flower show 2017 presenting a floral demonstration on behalf of the Hong Kong Flower Club. Lots of Fun, sharing, joy and tips on flower arranging to the public! 
Where there are flowers, there is happiness!

Show dates: 11-19 March 2017 at Hong Kong Victoria Park.

Special thanks to everyone who has helped in preparing and facilitating this demonstration, and LCSD for invitation.



 感謝所有在場幫忙與支持的SOLOMON BLOEMEN助理、學生及朋友們。也再次感謝香港康樂及文化事務署的邀請。

Hurray ! SOLOMON BLOEMEN has just won the grand award in design excellence in this year's Hong Kong flower show! 
Many thanks to our team of assistants and students for all the hard work they put in to make this installation work!
Titled "Return to Innocence" this installation depicts 3 suspending golden banana leaves filled with specimen orchids. Like boats they are filled with our hopes and dreams embarking on a journey in search of the simplest and most innocent form of joy: being with and living with flowers.

好消息!!Dr. Solomon剛獲得香港花展2017最佳設計大獎(Grand Prize in Design Excellence)!非常感謝SOLOMON BLOEMEN的助理和學生團隊的參與和支持!Dr. Solomon的作品以「瑰麗回歸」為主題,三片巨大的金色芭蕉葉承載著色彩豐富的大型蘭花盆栽,就像三艘承載著我們的期盼和夢想的太空船,帶我們啓程尋找最純真的與鮮花一起生活的快樂。

【VALMONT Magician of Time Pop-up Store】花藝展覽活動花絮


是次活動 VALMONT 誠邀了三位著名的國際級花藝大師:來自香港的 Dr.Solomon Leong (於英國倫敦世界知名的花藝展中六度獲得金獎)、韓國的 Mr.Alex Choi (2015年花藝世界盃的冠軍得主) 及荷蘭的 Mr.Dennis Kneepkens (全球唯一七星級酒店之花藝顧問)為 Pop-up Store 攜手創作花藝展覽,並以品牌的蝴蝶標誌和花的美態呈上一場華麗的花藝嚮宴。

To build a suspending orchid backdrop! 

Flowers installation commissioned by Guerlain. 
Titled: Suspended moment of beauty captured by white orchids. 

Special Exhibition: Spatial Floral Arrangement

繼2014年、2015年之後,Dr. Solomon今年被特邀參加」日本花の世界大會「做示範展覽,並於花展會場大廳最亮麗、最閃耀的地方。

在過去的兩年里Dr. Solomon在「日本花の世界大會」與全球最頂尖的花藝設計師同場競技,並榮獲2015年金賞、最佳創意賞、最佳展品賞以及2014年金賞及最優秀色彩賞等多名獎項。

因為Dr. Solomon的創新設計理念,2016年Dr. Solomon非常榮幸受「日本花の世界大會」的邀請,並於花展會場大廳作大型的特別空間展示。

這次Dr. Solomon 以「濃淡の宴 Extravagance in Contrasts」為主題,帶領著他的學生,通過鮮花與流麗繩子的線條交錯,通過形態、線條、色彩及空間的融合配搭,以紅色與白色的傳統日本節慶色彩組合,形成強烈的視覺效果,創作帶有東方美的現代花藝作品。作品已經於10月15號(週六)開始公開展出。

除了「濃淡の宴」以外,Dr. Solomon另外一件展品是由不同花材和日本宣紙組成的晚禮服,表現出秋天的華麗,是對季節的歌頌。

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