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SOLOMON BLOEMEN 2017 calendars now available for sale!


Designed and photographed by floral artist Dr. Solomon Leong AIFD, 10 times RHS Chelsea flower winner, international designer.
Two separate designs, 24 stunnning floral designs to keep you company through all 365 days of 2017!

Calendar A 12 months of floral elegance created by Dr. Solomon HK100 each.
Calendar B 12 months of innovative designs created by students at SOLOMON BLOEMEN flower school. HK 100 each


Package A. (Calendar A + SOLOMON BLOEMEN organic canvas A4 tote bag) HK 200
Package B. (Calendar B + SOLOMON BLOEMEN organic canvas A4 tote bag) HK 200
Package C. (Calendar A + Calendar B) HK 160

Please click Contact Us to order.

熱賣中!SOLOMON BLOEMEN限量版2017花藝枱歷

SOLOMON BLOEMEN 2017花藝歷開始公開發售啦!由獲獎無數,包括11次獲得「英國皇家園藝協會切爾西花展」獎項的國際知名花藝設計師梁靈剛博士Dr. Solomon Leong AIFD親自設計和拍攝,這兩款台歷當中的24件驚艷花藝作品將會陪伴你度過2017年美好的每一天。

歷A:包含12件Dr. Solomon的優雅花藝作品;每個HK$100

歷B:包含12件SOLOMON BLOEMEN花藝學校學生的創意花藝作品;每個HK$100


套裝A:歷A + SOLOMON BLOEMEN A4尺寸有機帆布袋;共HK$200

套裝B:歷B + SOLOMON BLOEMEN A4尺寸有機帆布袋;共HK$200

套裝C:歷A + 歷B;共HK$160


數量有限,先到先得。請發送郵件至,或致電+852 2521 1798訂購。

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